Close Protection Services can ensure your safety

Close protection services today offer bodyguards who are highly trained and motivated to ensure safety on any job.

The range of close protection services available covers a variety of professions and offer protection to a broad range of clients. These clients include celebrities, high-powered businesspeople, VIPs, diplomats, Royals, and sporting figures. These services aren’t just for people with great power and those in the public eye. Close protection services are available to the general public in times of danger, such as court cases, violence threats, and domestic unrest.

Close protection workers need to be able to adapt to all situations and make critical judgments immediately. This is necessary to diffuse any potential problems and ensure safety for everyone. They are known for their reliability and guarantee that clients will have peace of mind. They must also ensure that their clients are not disturbed or drawn to them by any disruptions.

Close protection services often provide a team of professionals close protection team to assist with large crowds or events. The team will function well as a unit. However, each member of the team will bring their own special skills to the table.

The Bodyguard
The bodyguards are highly skilled and the result of a rigorous training program.

They can handle a wide range of situations, including close-quarters attacks and controlling large crowds.

The Driver
Security drivers need to have the ability to drive safely and avoid danger.

This may often mean that they must navigate difficult terrains or spaces at high speed, while still keeping their passengers safe.

The Spotter
Spotters act as the eyes of the unit. Their job is to blend into their environment in an undercover capacity and relay any suspicious activity to the drivers or bodyguards. To keep the area safe, they will position the bodyguards in the appropriate manner. Spotters are the first line to prevent a threat. If they do their job properly, all threats can be neutralized prior to the client being in danger.

Close protection services can operate either alone or in a group and work tirelessly to ensure the safety of their clients no matter what situation they are in.